This lantern is the best thing that ever happened to me during this remodel. We haven't had much electricity upstairs for the last 6-9 months, so when the sun goes down, the light goes down. We have one overhead light in the whole house that works and three lamps. Virtually none of the plugs work. So that means greeting anyone that comes to the door in complete darkness. My ever-practical mother gave us this about 2 months ago and it is AMAZING! This now means light to find the toilet paper when you're in the bathroom, light next to the stove when you're cooking so that you can tell when the chicken is cooked all the way through, and you and the pizza man don't have to be creeped out when you meet each other at the door. It's the Mountain Green 30 LED Lantern and it's $49.95 at REI.
I can attest to the little green lantern's necessity when making pit stops in the restroom after sunset... Also can be used to fend off gassy slobbering bulldog that wants to 'snuggle' on the couch at 4am.