Who in their right mind tries to go to Home Depot at 11:45pm on Christmas Eve? We did. And we were very frustrated by the empty parking lot. I mean, aren't there a lot of people other than ourselves that have urgent Depot needs at that hour? Why did we need to go to the Depot, you may be wondering....Well, our Christmas miracle yesterday was heat. Hoorah! The furnace guys were able to temporarily hook up the furnace to some of the existing vents to pipe in some delicious heat for us until the rest of the work can be done. The only trouble was that the house soon smelled like rotten eggs. This is because the intake for the furnace is temporarily pulling air from the downstairs. Hmm, that still doesn't explain the rotten eggs. Well, my friends, that is because phase 1 of the plumbing that's been done down there involves lines that are open which means that the sewer lines are open. Thus, the furnace is pulling refreshing sewer-laced air up into the upstairs.
So, we quickly turned it off and set off for the Depot late last night in hopes of buying some caps to cover up the open pipes. Alas, we were forced to cover the pipes with duct tape instead which seems to have done the job. Josh is featured above covering the pipes. Now we have clean air upstairs. My body is in a bit of shock with this alarming warmness that follows me everywhere I go in the house. It feels unnatural not to have my four layers of snow gear, hat and long underwear on. It's positively delightful.
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