Thursday, April 16, 2009

Saying "No" to Blowtorching at 1AM

The sheetrocking is comin' along. The boys have made good progress on the ceiling. We are calling today to see if we can schedule the nailing inspection for Tuesday. My fantasy is to have it taped and sanded by the end of next week.

In order to completely finish the sheetrocking, two pipes need to be capped off and the gas line currently feeding the upstairs dryer needs to be capped off. It currently is also feeding the upstairs stove. I can live without a washer and dryer, but I need a stove. So, my superman, J, finally agreed to call the plumber and have him come out for a few hours this week to take care of these things. He's quite capable of doing these things himself, but challenging because he has been getting home from work at midnight. So, this would mean that he would be downstairs blowtorching past midnight. Me no likey. Our lovely plumber has promised to come out by tomorrow at the latest to take care of it for us. Thank God. It was a big deal for my superman to agree to this. I'm very proud of him.

1 comment:

  1. 1:00 am blow torching?!?!?!
    I know your Superman would indeed do it but glad you and the cupcake can persuade him otherwise!
