Hello, world. Apparently, the roof was so poorly constructed in the kitchen that it had to be ripped out entirely. It's supposed to rain on Thursday. Pat and his boys will be able to finish the kitchen in one day, but they can't come back until this weekend. Meanwhile, almost all of the other framing is entirely done. It looks amazing. Those windows from our neighbor's house are unfortunate. A rather unpermitted add-on, otherwise we could make the ceiling match the height of the rest of the house. Bummer. Expanding the width of the kitchen by about 2 feet has made a huge difference though.
The plumber is making amazing progress upstairs. We're just waiting for the valves to arrive so that he can finish the showers. He'll be here the rest of the week working upstairs. He'll also spend a day downstairs doing the finishing work on the studio.
hi lisa lisa its aunt liz how are you doing oh pregnant one? I'm so relieved you and josh decided to kick it into "high gear" from what I can see you are making incredible progress. love all your interior choices for bath&kitchen. when you can post a picture of you and cupcake. take care drink your carrot juice.xox