This is probably the least interesting photograph that I've posted to date. It's one of the many light boxes that Josh had to sheetrock in and then tape and sand. Then the cans get screwed in to all four sides. Our new electrical inspection is scheduled for Tuesday. Knocking on wood a thousand times, if that goes well, then we get our general inspection. They never ever talk about the inspections on all those home reno shows. Maybe that's because they never get them. After the general inspection we start sheetrocking and tiling. It seems like the probs with our electrician ended up stalling us for about a month. I wish everyone were as efficient as our plumber. He was in and out in a week, inspected and done. No problems. I don't know anyone that seems particularly thrilled with any electrician they've ever worked with though.
I've decided to up the anty on my photographs. I'll start that next week. Let's see what I can cook up.
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