The flooring, however, is a different story. I want a really dark floor -- like ebony dark. Not black, but pretty damn dark. I drug Josh over to the EcoHome store in Berkeley to look at their stains and the samples that they advertise, but let's cut to the chase: they look awful. The board on the right is the sample that the guy at the store did for us. I think it looks like someone crayoned the wood or did watercolors on it. Now, the left plank is full of traditional toxins with three layers of toxic polyurethain. I still think this one isn't quite right -- too much red and not enough darkness. But, hello?! Isn't it yummy and delicious? How can these green ones even be on the market? I suppose they might work for some very specific style of home, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what.
So, we'll be going the toxic route, but this pregnant lady will be sleeping elsewhere when the toxins are applied. It will also still be at least a month before we move in after the floors are finished. It is what it is. I tried.
You shouldn't feel bad about the green thing but what about the fact that you and Josh were around the corner from my house in Berkeley and this is the first I've heard about it? Hmmm . . . I believe you've been busted by your blog!!!